Tak pernah terfikir pun nak rasa kemanisan ada sahabat till jannah.
never have i thought of actually having "a friendship till jannah"
Dulu, tak habis- habis cari maksud atau erti sahabat sehingga ke syurga. Teringiiiinnn sangat nak tahu apa perasaan orang yang yakin kawan dia boleh pimpin tangan tu ke syurga. Rupa-rupanya kawan yang dicari selama ni ada depan mata je. hari2 jumpa je dalam kelas. hari2 senyum je kat dia dalam kelas. MasyaAllah.
Sempena dengan my birthday, 26th June 2014, I, Nur Aireen Syafiqah, pledged to write a post about my angelic plus amazing best friend. kita dah kawan nak dekat setahun setengah. Setahun setengah je baru. takda lah bertahun2 pun. Tapi, ya SubhanAllah. Our frienship, my dearest Huda, is like no other.
Our friendship, is insyaAllah i believe, diredhai Allah SWT. Sepanjang kita berkawan, macam macam dah kita go through. Allah betul2 uji iman kita dua. Allah betul2 nak tengok kita ni kuat ke tak nak hadapi semua ujianNya. Whatever the story we went through Huda, will always remain in my heart and mind. I takda lah terror mana nak tulis essay about you secara structural. but im going to write whatever goes in my mind. So, kata-kata ku ni semua ikhlas dari hati ye sayang.
Dipendekkan cerita, nak cakap pasal Huda`s surprise gift for me. Benda yang sungguh2 lah tak disangka. No one has ever made me smile nor grin from ear to ear as long as you did to me that semalam. I wish I could relive the moment. Allah hadirkan Huda dalam hidup Aireen so that you can put a smile on my face whenever I am down and give support to me whenever I lose. I hope I was that functional to you as well haha.
There was this one whole week after the semester break where I had left no day without crying. I thought to myself how it could have only been my PMS. how it could have only been my only emotional emotions that was getting in my nerves. But when i thought of it all over again, it was definitely another test from Allah SWT. I always had Huda by my side to give me whatever i need with her very best Alhamdulillah I could not ask for more.
"tak excited ke nak turn seventeen ni?" .
"siapa tak excited nak birthday esok? taknak lah tunjuk, takut2 esok might not turn out good. Anything could happen. plus, orang lain cam takda apa2 je esok birthday aireen. so buat senyap2 je lah kot"
Lepastu Huda buat muka are-you-sure. Malam tu, pukul 12, call mama and papa. wish2 pe semua pastu around 12.25 am Huda`s number called. But it was Aida on the phone , katanya 'nak pinjam laptop nanti Aida sampai lagi 10 minit'. Lah sangat !
Diriku di-prank oleh Huda Jay Sweet. 10 minutes later, Huda yang diri depan pintu unit. Huda buat surpriseeeee ! She came in the jubah she wore that night to match with my clothes bawak 4 hadiah and dua roti twiggies as my birthday cake. Pastu makan2, bukak2 hadiah, sembang2 pastu Huda sleepover kat my unitt sebab dah pukul 2.30. Tidur dengan best friend on my birthday yang I never thought would begin with a great start. Thanks to Huda.
Diriku di-prank oleh Huda Jay Sweet. 10 minutes later, Huda yang diri depan pintu unit. Huda buat surpriseeeee ! She came in the jubah she wore that night to match with my clothes bawak 4 hadiah and dua roti twiggies as my birthday cake. Pastu makan2, bukak2 hadiah, sembang2 pastu Huda sleepover kat my unitt sebab dah pukul 2.30. Tidur dengan best friend on my birthday yang I never thought would begin with a great start. Thanks to Huda.
Pukul 5 pagi bangun dah. pastu pegi sekolah macam biasa. hari khamis, form 5 morning call memang specialised. but then macam kesian kat orang lain sebab morning call punya announcement semata2 for my birthday. Again, thanks to Huda.
So my big day ended up as one of the days in 2014 that I will never forget. Thanks to Huda. She was the one who told me I could do it when I said I couldnt. She was the one who said Yes when I said No. She was the one who made my birthday a memorable one, when I said " its just going to be another boring day ". My saviour.
Jodoh Allah tu tak pernah tak best kan? Apa yang Allah rancang memang fantastic kan? Aireen tak pernah sangka kita boleh jadi serapat ni. Waktu cuti je, lepas bangun tidur mesti cari Huda. Nak call Huda. Best part is, baru dok cari nama dia dalam contacts, dia dah call dulu. Chemistry lah katakan *coughs*
Here`s a copy of the text message I sent to you ;
Here`s a copy of the text message I sent to you ;
Thank you for always being there. Thank you for all the things you did for me. For all the sacrifices, pergi PSP malam kita ada ESG tu tapi PSP tutup. Tak makan waktu rehat semata2 nak siapkan folio 'kronologi friendship kita'. I cant thank Allah SWT a lot more than i can sebab dah jodohkan aireen and huda untuk jadi best friends. Terima kasih banyak2 sebab dah terlalu banyak yang Huda dah ajar Aireen selama kita berkawan. I could not ask for a better best friend. You complete me. Thank you so much for taking my hand every time I need yours. Harini seharian Aireen ingatkan Hudaaa je. Thank you for putting a smile on my face berjam2 sampai lenguh pipi, sakit kepala senyum memanjang. Tak pernah senyum selama tu. Allahuakbar, I never thought my birthday would end up as a perfect one. Because of you. Aireen tak mampu balas jasa Huda sayang. Biarlah Allah balas jasa baik Huda terhadap Aireen. You have done so much for me that I could not afford to give back what you gave me. Please note that I love you so much my dearest best friend. Thank you for knowing what i want for my birthday even before I told you. Thank you for making today the best and most meaningful birthday in my 17 years of living. May our friendship last, love.
Hudaaaaaaa. Remember I said I was going to write a post about you but I dont know when and how to finish my post? Just so you know, I couldnt stop thinking of today, (26.06.14). I couldnt stop thinking of how grateful I am to Allah SWT for presenting you in my life. Thank you for always tolerating every time we have a fight. Thank you for being one of my primary reasons why I am still smiling despite of all the hardships im facing in school. Thank you for lending me your shoulder when I need to cry. Thank you for always leading me towards Jannatul Firdaus. You`re a sister to me. May Allah protect us and our friendship. May Allah preserve this ukhwah till paradise meets us again, insyaAllah. I Love You.
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