MapleStory - Orange Mushroom

Sunday, 10 November 2013

sneak peek in 4 Batani

its my third blog.

id like to share a little bit of my cerita in asrama. idk, time flies so fast that it sometimes scares me to death. 

ive always wanted to go for boarding school since 12. but i never really got the chance (guess takda rezeki kot) to go for it. and when i scored straight As for PMR, alhamdulillah, i still didnt get the first intake. honestly, i wasnt delighted for the news as i was such a giddy goo for the results to come out . pastu bila tak dapat, i cam nangis for a week because dammit i didnt get what i want. but yea, come to think of it again, bukan semua kita nak dapat en? bila dah redha tak dapat mrsm, 2 weeks after that, papa said jom kita gi buat rayuan. pendekkan cerita, alhamdulillah, dapat jugak.. on 15th April 2013 to be exact, i was transferred to MJSC PDRM in Kulim. it was beyond my thoughts that i could get accepted here.

yea my days were dull and homesick stroke me hard. about seminggu jugak ah homesick pastu okay ah. i ni bising orangnya and all i thought for the first two weeks kat sana, i would never be the same old me ever again. i mean, i wont be that bising girl anymore. that was what i thought lah kan...

pastu dah berbulan2 duduk asrama, and i pun dah get along with my new friends, i guess im the noisiest in class. well, not really, ramai je yang lagi bising , but nak ceritanya im one of the chicks yang bising. this time nak cerita pasal class dulu lah. hehe

so my class is 4 Batani and it is the NOISIEST class alive. idk, to me lah kan. tapi best.. bising2 pun tengok time ah. time belajar belajar ah. time main main ah. ketua kelas, aidiel. garang nak mati. tapi best je pastu pandai pastu pastu pastu tah apa nak cakap. fun. k pastu, penolong , che ah. pastu bendahari, syud. pastu class kitorang memang best .

the best part about 4 Batani is that everyone shares everything. i mean tak kedekut ilmu, pastu fun je sepanjang masa. we share the same fear, add maths, share the same tear tapi adalaaa jugak at times where we all gaduh and shit. i mean masa awal2 tahun, dalam batani berpuak2. idk, i was told like that lah. so masa tu, diorang kata, budak baru dengan budak baru je, budak lama dengan budak lama je. so wheres the fun en?

pastu bulan berapa tah tak ingat, ada la student lama ni came back. from taiping. tah apa masalah dia. pasai ah kan. k pastu when he came, the class gaduh. gaduh bukan apa, just because of tempat duduk. well takyah ah cerita detail2 kan, but nak ceritanya i was there to witness everything. i mean, im ok with both budak baru and budak lama. so im not on anybody`s side. but i was there to witness everything like curses, budak lelaki menyampah ngan budak baru la, pindah locker ah apa lah. everyone cam emo nak mati.

pastu like after a few weeks later, semua orang ok balik. bukan OK je, jadi rapat gila. dah takda dah puak2 budak baru nor budak lama. we became good friends and dah bercampur then batani jadi unite gila. buat everything together. i mean like for example, gi lunch sama2, duduk satu meja panjang tu penuh batani girls semata2. mula2 nampak la perempuan unite, pastu later boys pulak . makan semua duduk satu meja pastu cam aaaaa dah banyak kali dah bila batani girls duduk satu meja panjang sekali ramai2, meja sebelah tu mesti batani boys i cam aaaaa sweetnya class kitorangg. bukannya plan, tapi.... tah kalau jodoh tak kemana. lol tiba2. tapi comel kan kitorang?

pastu kitorang lagi unite lepas raya. sebab lepas raya masuk sem 2 ada minggu aktiviti. and then we have this activity, we call it United Nation General Assembly ( UNGA ), its like an english project it seriously is so fun. its tiring a.f, but it was worth it. our class dapat USA and France, and i was in the USA group. so each country needs to buat cultural performance, ada board pasal country kita and ada debate. best gak ah. waktu tu batani unite teruk. i rasa every other classes pun sama. best best best best best best best ok dah.

pastu cerita dia batani best ah. ok.

HOWEVER, ada je perangai cam ...... haaa, takyah kata ah kan, i mean like there was so many backstabbing and cakap belakang maki hamun and whatnot. tapi idk, id like to just pekakkan telinga and pretend i dont know anything about what they say. tapi ada je sekali dua kita termasuk dalam group mengumpat tu. pastu istighfar . ish tah la, takleh nak elak gossip susah sangat even tho dah tahu dosa dia cemana. ... makan... daging... orang yang kita ngumpat tu... nauzubillah ! 

tapi i dont like to look over the bad side. sebab all in all, 89% of the story of Batani, is fun. 

so yea, dah end of the year dah. pergh laju gila serious. we had our examinations, and its done. results tunggu sampai rumah. serious cuak. we heard that next year takyah tukar class so everyone was happy and all ( ada je yang sedih tak tukar class, i swear it was obvious but whatever ) pastu tetiba kata tukar kelas. rombak everything.  i dont mind changing classes because at least dapat kenal with every other people and so on and so forth. but at the same time, sedih sikit sebab kita dah rapat gila babeng pastu kena ubah class cam .... 

then , surprise ! tak tukar class pun, hehe alhamdulillah. well yea ok tu je kot nak cerita. ill be blogging more about asrama later in my next post. 


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