MapleStory - Orange Mushroom

Monday, 8 June 2015

Separated Twins

Assalamulaikum, Sobahalkhair!

Nak cerita haritu ada tengok satu documentary bersama keluarga tentang sepasang kembar yang terpisah sejak bayi kerana masing-masing diambil oleh keluarga angkat yang berbeza. Dilahirkan pada tahun 2004, kembar ini dijumpai di dalam sebuah kotak dan kemudian didaftar di bawah skim anak angkat.


So diorang terpisah sebab sorang diambil oleh a couple from America and sorang lagi diambil oleh a couple from Norway at the same place in China.They met accidentally in China when they got their little girls, and wondered if their girls were twins or maybe sisters, because they looked the same. Tapi they were told that their babies were not relatives. They didn`t believe this, so they ran a DNA test later when they got home, which confirmed their suspicion : memang anak-anak diorang tu kembar ! SubhanAllah.

Berdasarkan , destinasi daripada AS ke Norway mengambil masa 9 jam 24 minit manakala perbezaan waktu pula, Norway adalah 8 jam ke hadapan dari AS. Okay so kita tahu AS, masyarakatnya bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris berbeza dengan Norway di mana masyarakatnya bertutur dalam bahasa Norwegian (North Germanic language). Boleh bukak youtube cemana bunyi bahasa mereka yang sangat unik tu.

Nampakkan bezanya AS dengan Norway? Haaaa, okay so the baby yang diambil oleh Americans dinamakan Mia dan yang diambil oleh Norwegian pula dinamakan Alexandria. Mia kan duduk kat AS so her lifestyle tetahu jela cane en. Cam fabulous, pretty, healthy, wealthy and girly hahaa. Parents Mia pun very supportive of her and they want her to be a good person (lol parents mana yang taknak en) pastu Mia macam serba boleh jugak because she excel in her studies, pastu dia athlete, pastu she's currently learning violin and stuffs like that la. Pastu Alexandria pulak duduk Norway. Norway ni pulak lifestyle dia cam dekat perkampungan and even Alexandria's dad is a farmer and owns a lot of farm trucks. So Alexandria is much more lasak and dia memang biasa dengan kerja-kerja kat ladang plus she even bela seekor tikus macam takdak pa weaaaaayy!

Both were separated since birth and they only contact with each other through phone or mailing services. Like whenever Mia gives her sister a call, Alexandria confirm excited gila gila and she jumps around for being too happy because Mia called her, but unfortunately when Mia speaks, Alexandria tak faham :( So she needs her mum to translate whatever Mia says. Bila Mia cakap je mesti Alexandria akan jawab
Pastu selain keep in touch guna phone, they always sent letters to each other and Alexandria akan pergi ke peti surat dalam taman perumahannya untuk terima surat dari Mia hari-hari without miss. But when she goes to the post box and the mail isn't there, she returns home with a frown. If the letter's there, she'll definitely jump and walk at the same time on the way home.

The program goes on and they showed a scene how does both Mia and Alexandria acts at school. During English lesson, Alexandria's teacher asked the whole class whether or not they have siblings and she was the first to raise her hand and was so proud to admit that she has a twin named Mia who lives in the States. While Mia at school, also does the same thing. Back in the States when Mia's mum wanted to cut her hair, she refused for she wants to have that same look with her sister, Alexandria.
"Mia, i think you should get a haircut, your hair is growing so long", said mum.
"No, mom. I dont want to cut my hair or else I wouldn't look like Alexandria's twin sister!", the 6 year old rejected.

A year later, Mia and Alexandria gets to meet each other. Mia and her parents travelled all the way from the US to Norway just so the twins can see each other again. The moment Alexandria saw Mia's car driving into her house's driveway, she jumped up and down in excitement.

Alexandria memang excited sebab dapat jumpa Mia and so is Mia. Tapi masa mula-mula Alexandria bawak Mia masuk dalam bilik pun, dua-dua macam awkward je kan sebab takleh nak talk to each other in the same language. They slept in the same bedroom la of course. 
"This is my bed, and zat, zat is your bed" said Alexandria.
"This looks nice. I like the bed !" Mia complimented.
Pastu they spent the weekend together and they really had a good time. Naik basikal sama-sama, main sikat-sikat rambut, pastu pakai baju sesama, pastu Alexandria pun pi perkenalkan Mia dekat the whole town (town yang dia duduk tu tak besar pun kecik gila like everyone knows each other) pastu dia pun happy la semua orang kenal kembar dia. And masa diorang hangout with each other tu, memang nampaklah persamaan dari segi karakter, perangai dan cara diorang bersemangat apabila berbicara dengan orang. Macam cool gila like even though jarang jumpa and live so far away from each other, tapi still have the same characteristics. ya lah, nama pun kembar kan.

The documentary went on and on sampai lah Mia and her family kena balik. Time tu memang sedih, sebak semua ada. Alexandria pun hantar la Mia and her parents kat airport and masa diorang kena berpisah tu macam alahai....

Macam nak taknak je tengok muka each other sebab sedih nak kena berpisah. 

So masing-masing peluk ayah masing-masing and then got separated. Of course they cried. But later on diorang okay balik :D Like typical kids.

The documentary was done back in 2010 and they were 6 years old at that time so by now, they`re already 11 :) When i first saw this documentary, I just knew that I needed to blog about it so here it is! Korang boleh cekidaut video Alexandria and Mia reunited dekat rumah Mia in US. Cerita kat atas ni masa Mia jumpa Alexandria kat Norway hehe. 

Here`s the link to the video ada part 1 & 2. Enjoy!

Part 1 :

Part 2 : 

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