MapleStory - Orange Mushroom

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Tatenik ( Titanic )

Salam and Hi.

Fuh lama tak update blog. Padahal dah berbulan-bulan dekat rumah. La ni nak sembang lagha pasal cerita Titanic (1997) .

                  So i bet ramai yang dah kenal sangat filem Titanic ni tapi taktau set up dia apa semua. Kay cerita sikit2 je la. Firstly, cerita ni was directed by James Cameron. Production nya started in 1995 starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack and Kate Winslet as Rose ( PERFECT match ever). Mengisahkan tentang dua insan yang mempunyai perbezaan dalam social status. Camm Rose tu is a first class lady. Memang dia bayar ah nak naik cruise tu en. Tapi Jack setakat menang je tiket nak naik kapal mahal tu. Cerita nya release back in 19th December 1997. Tapi ship tu sink lagi lama. The Titanic sank in April 15th 1912 which was waaay back. The fact that the director of the film wants to commemorate the centennial of the sinking ship, beliau sangat-sangat bijak ya memilih jalan cerita seperti cerita cinta yang sangat menyentuh jiwa.

                Secara sinopsis nya lah kan, Rose ni anak orang kaya. Dah bertunang dah pun. Tunang pun kaya. Tapi dia tak cinta pun kat tunang dia. Mak dia yang paksa sebab bila ayah dia meninggal, tak tinggalkan apa2 kecuali legasi hutang yang memang diorang tak mampu nak bayar. So Rose terpaksa la kawin dengan tunang dia en. Tetiba masa naik Titanic, dia jumpa Jack. Jack ni orang bawahan je. Kampungan je. Kerja pun berapa det je dapat sehari. So cam their love story tu terhalang sebab status diorang je la. Pastu Rose takleh jumpa Jack sebab Jack ni orang bawahan je and ajar dia things that a first class lady cant do (contoh ; meludah ke laut). Memang hubungan terlarang habis. But they loved each other so much that they disobey every rule from the family and in the ship just so they can see each other. Pastu pendekkan cerita lagi, Rose decided nak ikut Jack and tinggalkan her "first class life". Memang dia bahagia la bila dia

Follow her heart.

Pastu ada one thing je la yang kita suka question. Kan masa nak2 habis cerita tu, masa Titanic dah sink habis, Jack letak Rose dekat this one papan so that she gets to stay away from the cold water kan. Jack`s role as the awesome-est lover ended when he died frozen. Tu kita tak suka tu. Part tu kita paling sedih kita taktau nak habaq cemana. 

Dah laaa Rose pakai life jacket but she gets to stay on the papan more than Jack??? Takleh ke kalau diorang take turns to go on the papan? Baru la dua2 get to live happily ever after ! Dah lah Jack tak pakai life jacket :( Lepastu suruh Rose duduk atas papan tu all the time. 

Paling sedih bila part Rose acah-acah nak gerak Jack from his sleep but it turns out Jack dah meninggal kesejukan. Sedih gilaaaa :( Then she let go of his hand, and Jack sank into the ocean. The saddest part ever. Cam kalau keluar je this scene, konpem mata kita berkaca, bersinar-sinar menahan air mata dan sebak di dada.

Haiiyyerr, I can get emotional all by myself lepastu cry at the same scene all over again. Then, I still question the part 

" Why didnt they take turns to stay on the floating board? At least there`s effort and a little hope :( "

All in all, it was an amazing film. It was beautiful when Rose actually had a good time with Jack and she just knew from the start she loved Jack more than her fiance. Bertambah sedih sikit bila Rose dah tua and she retell her story and said "But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me in every way that a person can be saved. He now only exist in my memories. So forever it is in my memories that he shall live". I have to admit their love was strong and indestructible, only divided by death. 

A woman`s heart is like a deep ocean of secrets 
- Rose Dawson 

p/s : tajuk Tatenik tu sebab masa tu kita tengok dengan nenek kita pastu nenek kita pronounce Titanic dengan gayanya tersendiri. Comelkan beliau.

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