MapleStory - Orange Mushroom

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Dear Aireen`s Friends.

Alhamdulillah, Allah has granted us with people who are there in our lives for so many reasons. Since its my blog, I decided that I want to talk about how I handle people in my own way. 

Sejak duduk negara orang ni, I`ve learnt a lot about socializing, meeting new people, putting myself in other`s shoes, and most of all appreciating people. Especially, those who cherish you the most.

If you are a random citizen, you might consider me as a babe who`s very sombong oneeee. If you are an innocent citizen, then do not judge me by my face sebab muka I memang sombong kalau tak senyum. Because ah, if you judge me ah, then you`re not so innocent *lawak tak? ke tak lawak? ok takpa* Manakala jika anda merupakan one of Aireen`s friends, tahniah !

If you have obtained Aireen`s friendship, then sooner or later, you`ll obtain my trust. When you obtain my trust, you`ll obtain my love. A piece of advise, when you reach that particular level, please stay. Alhamdulillah, so far, I have a number of people who stayed with me no matter my situation.

Janganlah leave. Tolong ah. You`ll never know when you need a friend. Tahu tak, nak dapat ramai kawan tu senang tapi nak maintain friendship tu susah? Jangan ah pandang rendah dekat friendship yang biasa2 je. Nampak ah macam friendship tu tak ke mana pun sebab korang sembang dengan each other pun tak pernah. Cuma hari-hari sebelum nak masuk kelas, jumpa kawan tu, and selalu cakap "Hi kecik" je, tapi sebab hari-hari kita ucapkan Hi tu la kawan tu ingat kat kita. Padahal takda apa pun. Dan sebab dia ingat kat kita la dia doakan kita. Mana nak tahu?

Walaupun kita jumpa orang tu bila kita nak belajar je, jumpa dia selalu kat unit je, cakap pun jarang, tapi relationship still remains as friends, that person matters kot. Sebab kita takkan tahu, in the future kot la kita susah, and kawan kita yang kita tak berapa nak rapat tu boleh jadi someone yang kita perlukan in the future. #justsaying

And how I deal with people is that if youre very nice to me, then I`m very nice to you and I will keep you in my list. "Keep you in my list" totally means that insyaAllah, I would help you with all that I`m capable of. I will try. I would also try to not forget you. With the will of Allah. Really. I remember a moment I had with a good friend of mine back in 2012 when I invited him to my Hari Malaysia open house, 

"Aireen, thanks doh invite I."
"Lol, you dah kenapa? Are you a stranger to me?"
"No, takdalah kita dah lama tak lepak kot. Sejak I masuk kelas lain, jumpa you pun jarang. Nak tegur, lagi ah tak. Terima kasih banyak-banyak."
" Tu bukan satu alasan untuk I lupa my friends. You`re welcome anyway. Promise me you`ll stay, that`s all I ask for "

and Alhamdulillah, he did, 7 years and counting. Dah macam adik beradik. Sumpah best. 

Another thing that I ask of my friends, I am indeed just another human being who is always equal to making mistakes. As you know, living in another country which I have less tarbiyyah is not easy. I get influenced a lot. Who else would tell me its wrong if not my family or friends? I really can`t see my own mistakes sometimes. So korang jugak la nak tolong kita punggg hewhew. 

Nak tolong macam mana? In terms of on the social media sites la. Kalau you see me tweeting things that I rarely tweet or I post inappropriate pictures, tegur lah. I make mistakes. Kalau you tak tegur direct, how am I supposed to know? Jangan lah sibuk cuba nak menyentapkan orang, tapi orang tu tak sentap pun. Memang I`ll have my mistake stamped on my face and akan terguris hati, but eventually, I`ll accept them sebab I know changing is for my own good. Don`t leave me hanging and leave me asking myself what I did wrong when you guys tak tegur I. It kills me mentally bit by bit.

Direct, baru gentle. 

Kalau kita ada sorang kawan ni, yang kita je boleh tahan perangai dia. Orang lain semua benci / caci / tak kawan dengan dia. Cuba kita stay tengok. Tengok apa kebaikan kita dan kawan kita yang dibenci tu dapat in the end. Contoh I have another friend eh, 

"Wei, thank you sebab ada kat sisi aku waktu orang lain semua annoyed dengan aku. Even though aku tahu kau pun sebenanya annoyed en aku selalu cerita masalah aku yang tahpape kat kau bila orang lain takda dalam kelas. Thank you sebab menyampah dengan aku, tapi layan je"
Pada ana, penghargaan seseorang sahabat tu is one of the best things I get in life. Dan ada jugak kadang-kadang bila ana tak dapat " Thank you tauuuuu ", ana rasa macam nak ungkit. Ana rasa macam ekeleh tak bersyukur punya kawan! Tapi, bila fikir balik, ekeleh, aku yang lupa erti keihklasan.

Aaaa cenggitu la. One more example en, bila ana minta tolong dengan kawan ana yang rapat pun tak, classmate pun tak, setakat satu batch je, amazingly dia tolong gak.
"Hi Murni, nak mintak tolong boleh? Tolong *sekian sekian* pastu you mintak la *si fulan bin si fulan* tolong sekali. Boleh tak? I minta tolong you sebab emm, i trust you. Can you do that for me?"
( Dah la time ni lepas trials kot if i wasnt mistaken, pastu tak mintak face to face and benda yang aku mintak ni, banyak jugak la kerjanya )

" Eh boleh boleh. insyaAllah ill try my best " 

Lega gila kot dapat jawapan macam tu. Walaupun masa tu, ana tak expect dia akan fulfill apa dia cakap. Sebab masa tu aku rasa macam, ana ni takla penting sangat pada dia. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, segala apa yang ana mintak tu, dia buattttt. Sumpah best gila. Sebab tu orang selalu pesan Dont underestimate other people. Alhamdulillah, dia bagi lebih daripada apa yang ana mintak. Moral of the story is what I have been holding on to is

Keep everyone in your list because everyone is important. They may be not important today, but tomorrow and eventually, they are.

Despite all of what I`ve said, I still push some people away. I admit that I am not that kind of an angel, ( and nobody is! ) but sometimes removing certain people might benefit you. I dont really choose who I want to be friends with, because if people come up to me, and want to be friends with me, I do accept everyone. My doors are widely open.

 But if I get to a point, where I dont think they bring benefits to me (bukan nak guna kawan tapi... ah baca la sampai habis dulu) and bring me down, take my motivation away, then I do push them for the sake of myself. If I feel that I dont have the same heartbeat as them (my new friends) then I know I should step back. For the good sake of mine, and them. Sometimes its better to leave, then to stay and hurt yourself. Really. Penting jugak la untuk kita pilih kawan. Tapi ingat, untuk kebaikan semua, bukan kebaikan kita sorang je and jangan memilih sangat, takut orang yang taknak kat kita nanti. Pilih tu sebab kita nak the best, sebab 

Another reason why we need only and ONLY good companies in this world is because as Allah have said in the Quran, 

Let`s pray together that Allah preserve our friendship for as long as possible. Not only in this world, but even in the Hereafter. May He bless our friendship, may He ease our journey together, may He grant us what we pray for each other (in silence), may He bless our souls with patience, peace and love. Allahumma Amin, InsyaAllah. 

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